Hello! This is my first post on this site. It feels weird starting something new at the end of the year, but I’m glad to finally be able to publish my first post before the year changes. Because I want to tell you a few things about what happened this year. Entering the end of the year, usually, my feelings are mixed. I’m often getting a little sad because many of my wishes haven’t been fulfilled or there are personal projects that can’t be completed this year as I expected. But this year is a little different. I tried to look at it from another point of view. What have I done this year? And if something has not been completed, have I made some progress on it? It turns out that the results are quite satisfactory! At least 80% of the goals I wrote at the beginning of the year were done. And the rest, although some of it’s still not finished, at least some progress has been made. That means a lot to me. Planning the Year If I look at the difference between last year and this year, the most significant thing is that I really did […]
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